HERE 地图曾是诺基亚机型专属的一款 app,也是广大粉丝们选择诺基亚机器的理由之一,甚至可以堪称是 WP 平台与 Android 或 iOS 竞赛最具竞争力的地图软件。现在已经被德系汽车厂商三巨头收购了,并宣布将会在 3 月 29 日退出 Win10 的商店。
HERE 退出 Win10 商店后,Windows Phone 8 的版本则会继续进行 bug 修复,不过功能性的更新不再提供。鉴于 Windows 10 自带的地图软件与 HERE 功能重合,所以做出了这个决定,并且 6 月 30 日后将会停止服务。
而 Windows Maps 的开发团队也针对此次 HERE 退出说明以后将带来的新特性:
"We have an exciting update coming soon to insider builds, including an improved drive mode. We will also be addressing other top feedback I have been collecting from you guys as well as the Windows Feedback app in this update and in updates to come...Better drive UI is part of this initial update...We are exploring options around the arrow on the location marker (compass). Being able to search along the route is a great suggestion that I will bring back to the team. I will take your other feedback to the team as well!"——Dave_MSFT