伴随着两日的流言满天飞后,三星目前正式宣布了对 Galaxy Note7 的全球召回计划,不分地区,不分时间。三星移动部门的总裁 DJ Koh 也公布了此次 Note7 爆炸事故的调查结果。Note7 将会被召回,并且也停止销售该手机,据三星称,此次的召回将会至少持续两周左右的时间。
三星已经收集了 35 部 Note7 在充电时发生故障的事件,此次的爆炸原因应该是由问题电池所导致,三星称,每百万部手机里只有 24 部会有电池爆炸隐患的存在。此次事件对于三星来说是一个非常大的打击,特别是还有几天就是苹果的新品发布会了,作为苹果的头号竞争对手,该事件可以说对三星造成了很不好的品牌形象影响。
Samsung is committed to producing the highest quality products and we take every incident report from our valued customers very seriously. In response to recently reported cases of the new Galaxy Note7, we conducted a thorough investigation and found a battery cell issue.
To date (as of September 1) there have been 35 cases that have been reported globally and we are currently conducting a thorough inspection with our suppliers to identify possible affected batteries in the market. However, because our customers’ safety is an absolute priority at Samsung, we have stopped sales of the Galaxy Note7.
For customers who already have Galaxy Note7 devices, we will voluntarily replace their current device with a new one over the coming weeks.
We acknowledge the inconvenience this may cause in the market but this is to ensure that Samsung continues to deliver the highest quality products to our customers. We are working closely with our partners to ensure the replacement experience is as convenient and efficient as possible.